1. How is CerroZone different from HEPA filters, UV light, Ion discharge, PCO, PECO, etc?
HEPA filters:
Don’t kill viruses or pathogens, they just trap them. Any leak in the seal or a build up over time and their effectiveness goes way down. A big issue is that when they are replaced, the person replacing them is exposed to a high concentration of any virus particles adhered to them.
The high pressure drop associated with HEPA filters means louder fans and slower airflows.
UV light:
Can take several minutes to inactivate pathogens, far too slow for continuous air treatment. UV light also just treats what is in a direct light path, so anything in shadow or blocked by other particles in the airstream won’t be treated. Likewise, if virus particles piggyback on moisture, dust, or other larger airborne particles then the UV rays might not be able to penetrate and inactivate them.
Photocatalytic oxidation (PCO) occurs when light from UV bulbs hits a surface coated with titanium dioxide to produce oxidants to kill bacteria. The UV portion can only get down to 3.7 log reduction (99.97%) for Bacteria and Viruses. It takes significantly longer to purify a room and it can’t achieve the same level of destruction.
Ion discharge / bipolar Ionization:
Takes 2 hours to achieve 80% average reduction and 24 hours to reach 99% of common surface contaminants.
It can’t achieve the needed 4-log reduction (99.99%) to be approved by the FDA for use in medical facilities.
2. How does the device work? How do you know it kills Covid? Will this device prevent me from catching COVID-19? Does this device kill other viruses and pathogens?
CerroZone continuously cleans the air of pathogens and virus particles. It uses a powerful and natural disinfectant - ozone gas made from oxygen in the air - to kill viruses 3,000 times faster than bleach. Unique to CerroZone is the ability to keep ozone fully within the unit, making it safe for use in any indoor environment.
CerroZone has been tested on live aerosolized COVID-19 at a certified biosafety level 3 facility. The cultured virus was sprayed into the airflow system and made a single pass through the unit. The air exiting the device was captured and then closely analyzed for any remaining virus particles. Preliminary results indicated over 99% reduction in less than 30 seconds.
While no air purification system or mask can guarantee full protection against catching any airborne virus, studies have shown that your chance of infection is greatly reduced .
Ozone is a very powerful oxidant. More than 17 scientific studies have shown that Ozone gas is able to destroy the SARS coronavirus.
Additional independent lab tests on airborne Influenza (seasonal flu and the cause of past pandemics) and MRSA (superbug seen in hospitals) will be conducted by CerroZone.
3. What is ozone and how does it inactivate pathogens?
Ozone (O₃) is a highly reactive oxygen species composed of three oxygen molecules.
Ozone is formed and decays naturally in the upper atmosphere due to the UV light from the sun. It is also formed in the presence of high voltage discharge such as lightning strikes.
Living cells are damaged in the presence of ozone due to ozone’s high oxidation potential. This is what makes it effective for inactivating pathogens. However it can also be dangerous to humans and animals if inhaled in high concentrations. This has prevented it from being used in continuous, open air applications.
Ozone is commonly used in water purification, food cleaning, and odor removal. Its affects on materials and the environment have been widely studied and are well known. - effects(DDL)
Ozone oxidizes cell components of the bacterial cell wall. This causes bacterial cell wall disintegration thereby destroying any ability to cause infection.
Ozone is far more powerful and reactive than other common disinfectants such as chlorine and hypochlorite, it kills germs over 3,000x faster.
4. Why haven’t people used ozone already?
Ozone is a powerful and natural/organic disinfectant. According to the EPA:
“When inhaled, ozone can damage the lungs. Relatively low amounts can cause chest pain, coughing, shortness of breath and throat irritation. Ozone may also worsen chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma and compromise the ability of the body to fight respiratory infections.”
OSHA guidelines for ozone in the workplace (ppm = parts per million):
0.2 ppm for no more than 2 hours exposure
0.1 ppm for 8 hours per day exposure doing light work
0.08 ppm for 8 hours per day exposure doing moderate work
0.05 ppm for 8 hours per day exposure doing heavy work
For more information, see the OSHA webpage regarding ozone: http://www.osha.gov/dts/chemicalsampling/data/CH_259300.html
CerroZone units release zero ozone or 0.00 ppm. The proprietary design keeps the ozone fully within the unit, converting it back to oxygen (O2) before it leaves the system.
5. What testing has been done? How was this device tested on live COVID-19?
3rd party testing on early prototypes was completed at Aerosol Research and Engineering (“ARE”) www.arelabs.com. ARE, a Biosafety Level 1 Lab (BSL1), tested a mixture of pathogens that are used as a marker for more dangerous microorganisms.
Lab tests at ARE reached a 6.57 LoG, removing more than 99.999957% of the MS2 marker virus used. The MS2 virus is widely used in aerosol tests and measures 0.027 microns in size (COVID-19 by comparison measures 0.125 microns or 4x the size of MS2).
Equally as important, chamber ozone levels were continuously measured (OSHA requirements specify maximum allowable PPM of 0.05 for 8 hours) showing that the ozone stays fully within the unit and does not enter the room.
The University of Missouri Laboratory for Infectious Disease Research (LIDR) www.rbl.missouri.edu is a Regional Biocontainment Laboratory. LIDR includes biosafety research laboratories and associated research-support areas. LIDR is one of 13 similar structures in the United States.
LIDR conducted testing on live aerosolized Sars-CoV-2 (airborne COVID-19), showing inactivation of all detectable virus particles, over 99%, on a single airflow pass though the unit lasting under 30 seconds.
Testing at higher concentrations will be conducted in the near future, as well as on other airborne pathogens, including Influenza A & B and MRSA (superbug seen in hospitals).
6. What will the final units look like? Where can you install these units?
The CerroZone units will cover a range of sizes and end-use applications including mobile stand-up units, wall/ceiling affixed, and micro size designs for placing in elevators and rideshare vehicles.
7. How much sq footage of area can a unit cover? How quickly does it cycle air through it? How long does it take to purify an entire room?
Standalone units will cover around 500 sq ft, the wall/ceiling designs covering 100 to 200 sq ft, and the micro unit size for 25 sq ft to be deployed in elevators and rideshare vehicles.
8. When is it available and how much does it cost? Can I buy one for my house?
A nationwide list of approved HVAC distributors/retailers will be continuously updated on www.CerroZone.com Commercial pre-orders will open late 2021 with anticipated delivery in Q4 of 2021.
9. Is it safe? What are your safety measures on the device? (prevent ozone leaking, etc) Is CerroZone approved by the FDA and other government agencies?
The CerroZone units are very safe and uniquely designed to be running constantly in any indoor environment with no disruption to people inside the space. Numerous safety measures are in-place to ensure that the unit runs smoothly and safely with zero ozone being emitted from the device. Were any damage to the device to occur, it will automatically shut off ozone production and alert the user to take it in for servicing at an approved distributor.
CerroZone releases no ozone into the environment, thus keeping in-line with EPA, FDA, and OSHA guidelines. Furthermore, since CerroZone achieves greater than a 4-log (99.99%) reduction of airborne particles, it will apply for certification as a 510(k) Class II device with the FDA for use in medical facilities. CerroZone achieves a 4-log reduction in under 2 hours vs competitors’ units that take up to 24 hours -- or 12 times longer -- to achieve the same reduction rate.
10. How long has the device been running?
The technology inside CerroZone has been in rounds of 3rd party-testing since April of 2020. The commercial version of the device will undergo UL certification and start application for 510(k) Class II status as a medical device with the FDA.
11. How did you come up with the idea? Who’s behind this technology?
As the number of positive COVID-19 cases increased and the entire country started to go into lockdown in March of 2020, David Leavitt (Chief Technology Officer of Hecto Group www.hectogroup.com) sent an evening text to John Bergida (President/Founder) that read:
“I have a new product for us. A air purifier that will destroy the coronavirus. I invented it 15 years ago but didn’t have the time and resources to commercialize it. Should be patentable since it uses a novel ozone destruction catalyst. Will send info by email. Stay safe!”
72-hours later on a Saturday afternoon, John sent a text to Michael Duggan (VP Innovation for Marmon Plumbing & Refrigeration, a Berkshire Hathaway company), who at the time was under NDA with Hecto Group and collaborating on another project.
Marmon was excited about the opportunity and the two companies worked in conjunction to rapidly accelerate the R&D, independent testing, and commercialization stages by leveraging the innovation expertise of Hecto Group and the manufacturing excellence of Marmon.
Within 80 days from the first text exchange, 6 generations of prototypes had been built, 3rd party validated results, and a signed licensing deal were in-place…
The development of CerroZone was personal for Marmon executives and the Hecto Group as family members of both companies contracted COVID-19.
12. Where will it be manufactured?
CerroZone units will be assembled in the US.